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Employee Performance Appraisal Excel Template 

Track and compare employee performance over several data points to help you identify the best, worst and average employees with our Employee Performance Appraisal Excel Template.
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What's Inside the 

Employee Performance Appraisal Template?

Details | 4 SheetsĀ 

Supported Versions (All Features)Ā | Excel 2019, Office 365 (Mac)

Supported Versions (Significant Features)Ā | Excel 2016, 2019, Office 365 (Mac)

Category | Human Resources

TagsĀ |Ā Evaluation, Employee Review

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Inside Our Employee Performance Appraisal Excel Template

Insert Raw Data related to each employee into the Performance Employee Appraisal Excel Template.

The most influential ingredient to any venture’s success is the people.

Having a strong understanding of KPIs and people’s effectiveness goes a long way to making sure you have the right people at your company.

That’s why we created our Employee Appraisal Excel Template. In this template, you can track and compare employee performance over several data points to help you identify the best, worst and average employees.

Before we dive into how to use this template, we recommend you check out our other templates designed for human resource teams and professionals. Our Organizational Chart and Expense Reporting are two popular templates in our library.

Start by recording information in the Database sheet. There are four tables to fill out. Begin with the Sub Fixed list so you can record Department, Title, Job Type and Skill Level fields that will be dropdowns in the Employee Details table.

Input data in the Employee Details table. Fields include Employee Name, Employee Code, Department, Title, Gender, Job Type, Hiring Date, Age and Salary.

You also want to fill out the Shop Calendar List and Penalty Deduction %.

Move to the Raw Data sheet. Insert monthly Employee Data in the columns with light-green shades and black font. Columns with white fonts are frozen and cannot be manipulated as they auto populate based on the employee.

Save your spreadsheet.

Fill out your Database with employee information, department and penalty deduction %
The Dashboard showcases performance reviews and an aggregate of all employee appraisal information

Now, go to the Dashboard sheet and refresh with the short code Alt -A - R - A in sequence.

Your Dashboard will now be ready to use. It is equipped with dynamic slicers, charts, graphs and the ability to compare employees.

View KPIs by Department, Employee, Job Type, Title and Skill Level.

See visual representations of KPIs for things like Absence Rate, Salary Increment Rate %, Overall Salary Per Job Type, Performance Progress and other general statistics related to employees at your company.

Although this template is geared towards manufacturing or operation performance management, you can customize it to measure the performance based on your measurements.

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