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Employee Training Tracker
Excel Template

Track your employee training efforts with our Employee Training Tracker Excel Template. Fully customizable and flexible to your business and built with a dynamic Dashboard for visual reporting.
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What's Inside the 

Employee Training Tracker Template?

Details | 3 SheetsĀ 

Supported VersionsĀ | Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, Office 365 (Mac)

Category | HR

TagsĀ |Ā Training, Matrix, Method, Continuous Learning

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Inside Our Employee Training Tracker 

Excel Template

Insert details into your Training Database in our Employee Training Tracker Excel Template. Inputs will be used in the Training Matrix sheet.

It’s easy for employee training to slip through the cracks. Whether it be a busy season or new training required from corporate, fitting in training to an otherwise busy schedule can be a hassle. Our Employee Training Tracker Excel Template makes it simple to track training and skill levels within your organization. 

If you find this template useful, you’ll also want to check out our other HR Excel templates like Employee Performance Appraisal, HR Metrics Dashboard and Organizational Chart. These templates are designed to automate and organize your HR department as much as possible. With dynamic formulas and dashboards, you can easily see the big picture when it comes to the people part of your business. 

Let’s dive into how to use this template. 

Start in the Training Database sheet. There are three headers - Trainee’s Details, Training Place Details, and Training Program Details. Under those headers are seven fields for you to fill out - Trainee Name, Department, Place, Training Programs, Trainer Name, Program Training Hours, Hourly Cost Per Trainee. 

You can go back and update those fields with new employees, training etc, at any time. 

Hop over to the Training Matrix sheet where we’ll add Training Events. Currently, there is placeholder data up to row 69. 

Cells in grey - Department, Trainer, Program Training Hours, Training Cost $, Accumulated Training Hours, Program Completion % and Skill Level  - will auto populate based on your inputs from this sheet and the previous one, so you don’t need to fill those out. 

The Training Matrix sheet contains a Dashboard for reporting with charts, graphs and conditional formatting for insights into your training status.

Simply, fill out the columns that have a white background like Date, Trainee, Training Program, Actual Training Hours and Training Place. Some of those fields will have a dropdown menu for you for easy selection. 

Once you’ve added your Training Events, click the Refresh button on the left side of the screen. The dynamic slicers will update so you can filter and sort by Trainee, Training Program and Department. 

As you select your criteria, the Dashboard will update so you can view your Skill Matrix Analysis, detailing which employees are trained and not trained for certain programs, as well as Training Budget vs. Program Completion graph. KPIs will show near the top of the chart so you can see how many Members, Programs, Training Hours and the Training Cost $ from your selected criteria. 

This spreadsheet is one of our favorites as it is not only simple to use, but replaces expensive software while achieving the same result.

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